Tuition covers part of the expenses, but Tacoma Christian Academy is only able to operate because of the generous donation of individuals, businesses, and corporations.
Here are a few ways by which friends of TCA may give to make a difference in the lives of our students.
We are a non-profit 501(c)(3). EIN 47-2556694
Send funds directly to our PayPal account via QR code above or fund us under Tacoma Christian Academy.
Bring or mail your check to TCA Office.
Go through this address: every time you make a purchase on Amazon. Select “Tacoma Christian Academy” as the organization you want to support. Your preference will be saved for every future use.
Purchase products that carry a current BoxTops for Education seal and send the seals in to TCA.
Plan now to participate in the school auction.
Office Accountant
Address: 2014 S. 15th St., Tacoma, WA 98405
Phone: (253) 234-5112
Fax: (253) 272-3413
Mon – Fri 8:00 A.M. – 3:10 P.M.
Thank you for helping make Tacoma Christian Academy a great place for our children to get a Biblically-based education!