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Secondary Curriculum (MS & HS)


6th Grade

Students will gain knowledge of fundamental church doctrines so that they become equipped to do the following: explain God’s eternal plan for man’s redemption from before creation; explain the central work of Jesus Christ in bringing about man’s redemption; and, explain the culmination of God’s plan through His final triumph over sin. A clear understanding of the necessity for every person to know Christ as Savior will be the significant end result.

7th Grade

Students will learn how to create a timeline of key events in Christ’s life, as well as accurately identify and label key geographical locations in Israel. Throughout the course, students will study essential elements of Christ’s ministry: parables, miracles, significant events, and major teachings. The ultimate goal of this class is for students to learn how to apply Scripture to daily living, thereby learning to glorify God, being conformed to the image of Christ.

8th Grade

The goal of this course is to give students an overview of the Old Testament, enabling them to accurately label a timeline of the Old Testament, challenging students to emulate the heroes of the faith and shun the example of those who have fallen short of a life pleasing to God. Students will be able to thoughtfully answer questions such as, “Why does God continue to show loving-kindness to those who disobey” and “how does God use the trials of his people to demonstrate his power and glory?”

9th Grade

This course covers the history of the early Church from the resurrection of Christ through the end of the New Testament period. The first half of the course emphasizes the life of the church as described in the book of Acts. Students learn about the spread of the Gospel through the missionary journeys of Paul and learn to apply the lessons Paul gave the churches he founded to their own lives. Themes include standing for the truth, the need for holiness, Christian liberty, and spiritual gifts.

10th Grade

Students in 10th grade will be able to identify important themes and truths found in the Old Testament. Students will be able to name key themes for each book of the Old Testament, and explain how these themes integrate into a complete whole that points forward to the coming of Christ. Students will also learn how to place Old Testament passages in their historical context, analyze Hebrew poetry, and apply historico-grammatical analysis to interpret biblical passages.


6th grade

Students continue to build a strong foundation in grammar and writing skills as well as engage in literature discussions from a Christian perspective. Grammar focuses on the eight parts of speech, capitalization, punctuation, and correct use of vocabulary. Composition skills focus on the six traits of writing, as well as varied sentence structure, well-developed paragraphs, journal writing, short stories, narratives, poetry, as well as five-paragraph essays.

7th grade

Students begin to develop an understanding of the structure of the English language and apply this knowledge to literature and writing. The course covers grammar skills, vocabulary, sentence diagramming, application of literature to God’s Word, essential communication skills, organization skills, and writing skills. The focus is on examining literature from a Christian point of view.

8th grade

Continuing to utilize the six traits of writing, students learn the following: development of complex sentences, knowledge of literature, analytical examination of literature from a Christian perspective, writing skills, research skills, and vocabulary. Students expand their usage of literary terms and figurative language through reading, writing, and speaking.

9th grade

Students learn the value of various forms of precise writing. Through broad use of novels, short stories, and nonfiction, students will develop essays, responses, and creative written expressions. Emphasis will be placed upon the eternal value and significance of clear, precise writing. The biblical worldview is integrated throughout literature and composition studies.

10th grade

Students will understand the profound influence of considerate, righteous essay writing. Essay structure, research skills, clear expression, and precise word choice and sentence-style will be mastered by students. Heavy emphasis is placed upon the use of technology in research. Literature studies include four major novels, teaching students how to think critically while analyzing literary elements, and identifying a biblical worldview.


After their deliverance from Egypt, Moses commanded the people of God to “Remember this day in which you went out from Egypt, from the house of slavery; for by a powerful hand the Lord brought you out from this place” (Exodus 13:3). Throughout the Bible, God’s people are commanded to remember the works of the Lord. Students at TCA, following the biblical example, learn history in order that they may trace the work of God in history. This knowledge is meant to engender the praise of God and the service of others that is guided by the experiences (positive and negative) of those who have gone before us.

In grades 1-6, students focus on building their historical vocabulary, through knowledge of people and events.

6th grade

Students learn foundational facts concerning the history and geography of the Western Hemisphere. During this year, students concentrate on geographic landmarks in North, South, and Central America. Students will be able to find the major countries and geographic landmarks of the Western Hemisphere. This class provides an overview of the history of Canada, the United States, and South America.

7th grade

Students learn to articulate a narrative history of the world focusing on the rise and fall of major civilizations, including Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Western Europe. Students will also develop a basic understanding of global geography, particularly a geographic knowledge of the territories occupied by important global civilizations.

8th grade

Students study the history of the United States from the discovery by Europeans to the present. This class emphasizes the role of Christianity in the story of America and explores how terms such as “freedom,” “justice,” and “democracy” have been contextualized and transformed in the United States. By the end of the year students will also have a working understanding of the structure and function of the United States government.

9th grade

Students study cultural geography. Students explore various forms of government, economics, and societal structure. This course emphasizes the role of geography in the formation of societies, and provides students an introduction to the current geopolitical landscape. After creating a general orientation toward geographic studies the course applies these concepts to specific countries.

10th grade

World History explores world history through the lens of God’s redemptive storyline. This course emphasizes the creation of global networks, cause and consequences in historical context, as well as comparisons between major civilizations. Emphasis is on reading and analyzing historical texts.. The long-term objective is for students to demonstrate the ability to evaluate and assess historical data, from which they can draw their own conclusions.


Math Placement

When God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, he commanded them to “guard and keep it.” Mankind meets this goal when they build cities and roads, dam rivers, and harvest the resources of the earth for the advancement of civilization. All of these tasks are dependent on mathematics. For this reason, the math program at TCA focuses on equipping students to apply mathematical thinking to everyday problems for the glory of God. Our middle school program offers Math 6, Math 7, Math 8, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, and Geometry. Students are placed in particular math classes based on teacher recommendation, an assessment test, and their performance from the previous year. Sixth graders typically take Math 6, seventh graders usually take Math 7, and eighth graders generally take Pre-Algebra. However, based on the above criteria, students are able to take advanced math courses above their grade level.

6th grade

Students learn how to expand math concepts learned in previous grades. Course content includes whole numbers and decimals, data and graphs, patterns and variables, number theory and fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions, proportions and percents, tools of geometry, simple probability, integers, equations, and inequalities.

7th grade

Students build on 6th grade mathematic knowledge and learn how to do arithmetic operations. Students practice performing operations with negative, prime, rational, and irrational numbers, ratios, fractions, decimals, percentages, word problems, expressions, simple and exponential equations, simple inequalities, and proportions. Basic geometry is introduced with polygons, area, circumference, and perimeter, volume, and order of operations.

8th grade – Pre-Algebra

Students use their foundation in arithmetic to prepare for the many and varied uses of mathematics that they will encounter in Algebra I. The students will review and strengthen their skills from previous math courses, such as working with fractions, using decimal notation and percentages, using variables and mathematical patterns, and developing problem solving strategies. They will practice plane geometry, monomial and polynomial expressions, linear equations, rate conversion, and solve word problems that involve real-world situations. They will construct and interpret various types of graphs of data, and learn to recognize and manipulate the elements of a coordinate plane.

9th grade – Algebra I

Students extend their knowledge of Algebra by learning how to solve more complex equations and inequalities, linear functions, systems of equations and inequalities, polynomials and factoring, quadratic functions, and radical expressions. They will become comfortable solving rate conversion problems, and solve various kinds of word problems that involve real-world situations. They will practice factoring least and greatest common factors. They will analyze and graph quadratic functions, and identify rational and irrational numbers. They will also apply the ability to calculate exponential growth to calculating simple and compounded interest. In addition, students will learn the vital importance of high-quality note-taking skills, as developed by the use of Algebra I composition books.

10th grade – Geometry

Students develop inductive and deductive reasoning skills as they apply to geometric situations. They will practice using geometric formulas and prove and disprove conjectures. They will learn how to write four different styles of proofs, and judge the appropriate proof for various situations. They will explore the relationships within circles, triangles, polygons, quadrilaterals, polyhedrons, and parallel and perpendicular lines. They will learn how to calculate the areas and volumes of various types of 2-D and 3-D shapes and figures. They will use similarity and congruency to calculate missing values in 2-D and 3-D shapes. They will also use previously learned skills from arithmetic and Algebra to solve and graph systems of inequalities, and perform transformations.


In Psalm 19, David observes: “the heavens are telling the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” The science curriculum at Tacoma Christian Academy trains students in declaring the glory of God through the observation and analysis of His creation. Graduates will be able to integrate scientific knowledge into a worldview informed by the Scriptures. They will be prepared to apply scientific tools to real life problems they encountered after leaving school.

6th grade 

Students develop an understanding of earth science. The course covers plants, invertebrates, the geological composition of the earth, the solar system and the universe, and basic chemistry. Students will explore ecology, living organisms in life science, faith, and reason. They also explore man’s significance in view of God’s design of the universe to support mankind and reveal God’s glory to him. The focus is on the provision of God our Creator in the orderliness of the universe and the earth, and the student’s place in God’s plan.

7th grade 

Students introduced to the world of the living sciences. Students explore, study, and discover the majesty of God the Creator. They will practice using the scientific method for problem solving, and explore cellular structure and function through projects. They will gain a general knowledge of why and how we classify different organisms. The students will discuss scientific concepts and practice defending the argument for a Christian view of the scientific world.

8th grade

Students learn about the four spheres of the earth: the celestial sphere, the atmosphere, the lithosphere, and the hydrosphere. The students will explore God’s provision in the orderliness of the universe, as well as their place in God’s plan. They will delve into the relationship between science, faith, and reason; elements found in nature; and natural occurrences such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis.

9th grade

Students focus on the science of matter and energy. By the end of the year the student will have a working knowledge of physics and chemistry including: atoms and molecules; chemical reactions and physical forces; properties of solids; liquids and gases; electricity and magnetism. The class emphasizes the plethora of ways God reveals himself in and through his physical creation, teaching the students that “the heavens declare the glory of the Lord” (Psalm 19) and creation reveals his “invisible attributes” (Romans 1:20).

10th grade – Biology 

This class takes the students on a quest to understand God’s living world, from the microscopic world of the cells to the macroscopic world of plants, animals, and the human body. Units of study include the biochemistry, ecology, cellular formation and processes, plants, animals, and the human body. The course focuses on how our understanding of biological processes can be applied to practical living. Students’ learning is enhanced by hand-on activities, interactive labs, and real-life case studies.

Русский язык

Целями изучения предмета «Русский язык» являются:

  • Важность понимания знания русского языка в условиях эмиграции для расширения Славы Божией и Царства Божьего.
  • Сохранить и передать лучшие традиции христианского славянского народа.
  • Сохранить связь между поколениями.
  • Ознакомление учащихся с основными положениями науки о языке и формирование на этой основе знаково- символического восприятия и логического мышления учащихся.
  • Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся: развитие устной и письменной речи, монологической и диалогической речи, а также навыков грамотного, безошибочного письма как показателя общей культуры человека.

Практические задачи для достижения основных целей изучения предмета:

  • Развитие речи, мышления, воображения школьников, умения выбирать средства языка в соответствии с целями, задачами и условиями общения.
  • Формировать у младших школьников первоначальных представлений о системе и структуре русского языка: лексике, фонетике, орфоэпии, морфеме, морфологии и синтаксисе.
  • Продолжать развивать и овладевать навыками в старших классах.
  • Формирование навыков культуры речи во всех ее проявлениях, умений правильно писать и читать, участвовать в диалоге, составлять устные и письменные монологические высказывания и письменные тексты.
  • Воспитание позитивного эмоционально-ценностного отношения к русскому языку, чувства сопричастности к сохранению его уникальности и чистоты; пробуждение познавательного интереса к языку, стремлению совершенствовать русский язык.
Результаты изучения курса


  • Формирование чувства причастности к великому русскому народу, ценному христианскому наследию. Показать влияние достижений русского народа на мировое развитие.
  • Формирование целостного, социального взгляда на мир в его органическом единстве и разнообразии природы, народов, культур.
  • Формирование уважительного отношения к иному мнению, истории и культуре других народов.
  • Принятие и освоение социальной роли обучающегося, развитие мотивов учебной деятельности и формирование личностного смысла, на основе представлений Библейских нравственных норм.
  • Развитие самостоятельности и личной ответственности за свои поступки на основе христианских принципов. Формирование эстетических потребностей, ценностей и чувств. Развитие этических чувств, доброжелательности и эмоционально-нравственной отзывчивости, понимания и сопереживания чувствам других людей. Развитие навыков сотрудничества со взрослыми и сверстниками в различных социальных ситуациях, умения не создавать конфликтов и находить выходы из спорных ситуаций, основываясь на Библейских принципах.
  • Формирование установки на безопасный, здоровый образ жизни, мотивации к творческому труду, к работе на результат, бережному отношению к материальным и духовным ценностям.

Интеграция Библейского мировоззрения

Зачем человек рождается на эту землю? Что Господь ожидает от каждого человека?