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Elementary Curriculum (1 – 5)

1st Grade

Bible (Purposeful Design) -The first grade Bible curriculum focuses on the foundational teachings from the Bible about the nature and character of God, the qualities of His people, and His church. Students are given an overview of the Bible, with an emphasis on God’s attributes, biblical characters, the early Church, and what it means to know Jesus Christ and live for Him.

Math (A Beka) – The curriculum presents concepts in an orderly manner, building on prior learning and including consistent year-long review. Concepts include counting, writing, and reading numbers, place value, addition and subtraction, money, graphs, measurement, time, temperature, and fractions. Applications to real-world situations and daily “Thinking Caps” stretch students’ thinking ability. Your first grader will love arithmetic!

Language Arts (A Beka) – First-grade language curriculum provides the information students need to use words and express them effectively. First graders will be able to capitalize significant words; end a sentence with correct punctuation; recognize rhyming words, compound words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and contractions; use prefixes and suffixes; alphabetize words, and even write original stories on specific topics. As a continuous vocabulary-building program, this curriculum introduces students to common words used at this level in reading and writing. Basic phonic rules are reinforced along with common sight words. Students will learn letter formation, size, slant, spacing, correct posture for writing, and correct position for paper and pencil.

Reading/Phonics (A Beka) – First-grade phonics curriculum reinforces concepts vital to the mastery of reading skills. Each phonics element is systematically reviewed using activities such as marking vowels and circling suffixes, completing sentences, filling in missing letters, matching rhyming words, solving puzzles and riddles, and more. Phonics skills are reinforced through daily worksheets and the application of meaningful, character-building stories that correlate with the phonics concepts. Students are exposed to varied reading styles while also working on comprehension skills.

Science (A Beka) – First graders will learn rules for safety and personal care, practice healthy habits, and manners and recognize that God made the world and everything around them. They will understand God’s plan for weather, safety, seasons, plants, and animals.

Social Studies (A Beka) – First graders will gain a greater interest in and love for America as they learn about its symbols, history, and places of interest. They will learn how the United States was founded and its principles of freedom. First graders will meet several famous American patriots and take a trip across America. Good citizenship is emphasized, and reading skills are developed. Major countries and U.S. territories are introduced. By studying interesting people and places around the world, students will also gain a greater interest in other countries.

Field Trips – Students may visit such places as Point Defiance Zoo, Olympia’s Hands-On Museum, Fish Hatchery, and the beach. Parents are welcome to participate.

2nd Grade

Bible (A Beka) – The second grade Bible curriculum covers Salvation, the Life of Moses, the Tabernacle, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Jonah, Christ’s life and other favorite Bible stories. Students will learn how these characters were obedient and courageous and how God uses servants like these to further His kingdom purposes. The curriculum also includes Bible memorization and the books of the Bible. Leading chapel prepares students for public speaking and leadership in the church community and beyond.

Math (A Beka) – Second graders will learn foundational concepts such as addition with carrying and subtraction with borrowing. Counting money, telling time, reading graphs, and Roman numerals are just some more concepts that your child will learn and build upon throughout his arithmetic journey. Using age-appropriate themes such as transportation, the jungle, community helpers, and camping, your child will enjoy practicing adding and subtracting while learning simple geometry and problem solving. Students will learn by applying mathematical concepts to everyday situations even in the second grade.

Reading/Core Lit.(Bob Jones) – The Bob Jones University Press curriculum introduces classic literature excerpts, character building stories, and activities that build literacy skills. Second graders will read four novels (see REQUIRED Reading Grades 2-10), learning how to enjoy characters, plot, themes, and biblical worldview as they learn to love reading.

Language Arts (A Beka) – language arts covers phonics, reading, vocabulary, and spelling. Second grade students will understand how phonics helps them to become better readers and spellers. Students are introduced to common words used in reading and writing. Daily practice of neat cursive writing will be required.

Science (A Beka) – Second grade students will be inspired to go out and enjoy their world as they learn how science gives glory to a Creator God. This second grade curriculum focuses on the “how” and “why” questions children often have about the world around them. This curriculum focuses upon a broad range of topics, including the human body, animals, plants, matter, energy, earth, space, and conservation. A variety of interactive exercises and hands-on activities will help students increase their understanding of how basic science concepts work.

Social Studies (A Beka) – Second graders will learn about the people who made America great as they study historical accounts of the Pilgrims, Native Americans, early colonists, pioneers, cowboys, and immigrants. Students will learn where all 50 of the states are on a map.

Field Trips – Students visit The Pioneer Farm and the The Ohop Indian Village , the Gig Harbor History Museum, and Northwest Trek. Parents are welcome to participate.

3rd Grade

Bible (A Beka) – The third grade Bible curriculum covers great series, such as Salvation, Parables, Life of Samuel and David, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Elisha, Elijah, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Life of Jesus, and other favorite Bible stories. Our curriculum includes weekly Bible memorization, favorite Christian songs, and preparing students for public speaking and leadership skills.

Math (A Beka) – The curriculum is designed to develop a foundation in math vocabulary and basic concepts of arithmetic and geometry: addition; subtraction; multiplication; division; place value. Students will be able to perform math functions with accuracy, check calculations to confirm accuracy, calculate and convert measurements, compute money values and equations, compute with fractions, average and estimate with numbers.

Reading/Core Lit. (Bob Jones University Press) – Adventures in the Reading reading book introduces classic literature, poems, fantasy, drama, and realistic fiction. Students will learn how to draw inferences and think critically about written text. Students will study in-depth four novels and learn to describe a character, setting, or event in a story, drawing on specific details in the text.

Language (A Beka) – Students will learn punctuation, capitalization, word usage, nouns, verbs, adjectives, subjects, and four types of sentences. The usage of dictionaries is also introduced to students in 3rd grade. In addition, students will write several book reports and practice how to use written and oral language. Students will learn how to spell and use spelling words in sentences and how to use penmanship skills in their written communication.

Science (ACSI Purposeful Design) – Students will study units that include ecosystems, plants, geology, astronomy, anatomy, and study of matter and electricity. Students will be able to understand God’s design of plant and animal systems; God’s design of our body, how they are made to function, and the importance of taking care of it.

Social Studies (A Beka) – Students in 3rd grade discover that the story of history is the story of people. The focus of this year is on biographies. We focus on prominent historical figures in the history of the United States, including George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Boone, and Laura Ingalls Wilder. Emphasis is laid on the role faith played in the life of important historical figures.

Field Trips – Students will visit Job Carr Museum, Pacific Science Museum, Foss Waterway Seaport, and UW Planetarium to enrich the academic program and build their friendship. Parents are welcome to participate.

4th Grade

Bible (A Beka) – The fourth grade Bible curriculum covers subjects, such as Salvation, Genesis (Creation, Adam & Eve, Cain, Noah, Tower of Babel, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph), Christ’s life, the Life of Paul Series, Thanksgiving and other favorite Bible stories. Our curriculum includes weekly Bible memorization, favorite Christian songs, and preparing students for public speaking and leadership skills.

Math (A Beka) – The curriculum is designed to develop a foundation in math vocabulary and basic concepts of arithmetic and geometry: addition; subtraction; multiplication; division; place value; shapes and lines; story problems; decimals, fractions; measurements; and Roman numerals. Students will be able to perform operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals; convert measurement equations, and find the area and perimeter of a square and rectangle.

Reading/Core Lit. (Bob Jones University Press) – I Met You in a Story reading book introduces classic literature excerpts and character-building stories. Students study in-depth four reading novels through which they will be able to describe a character, setting, or event in a story, drawing on specific details in the text. Language Arts (A Beka) – The curriculum is based on an emphasis on how to use language in the writing process: letters, encyclopedia reports, dictionary skills, and creative writing. Students learn to recognize six parts of the speech and to use proper punctuation and capitalization in their writing communication. Also, students learn how to spell and use spelling words in sentences and how to use penmanship skills in their written communication.

Science (A Beka) – Students will study units that include botany, astronomy, oceanography, geology, anatomy, the study of birds, insects, and state of matter. Students will be able to identify different types of insects, plants, birds, and ocean animals; put planets in order from the sun; name different types of bones, muscles, and parts of the respiratory system; and name ways for the physical and spiritual well being.

Social Studies (A Beka) – Fourth-grade curriculum will cover studies of American explorers and pioneers, the French and Indian War, Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWI, WWII, the war of the 19th century, and the growth of the United States of America since the 1500s. Washington State History (Splash Publication): Native Americans, Washington missions, Washington settlers, transportation, government, and geography. Students will be able to study map skills and organize people, places, events, and the philosophy of US History on a map or timeline from the 1400s to the 2000s.

Field Trips – Students will travel to the Museum of Flight, Washington State History Museum, and Pioneer Farm to enrich the academic program and build their friendship. Parents are welcome to participate.

5th Grade

Bible (A Beka) – The fifth grade Bible curriculum covers subjects, such as the Salvation Series, Moses, Tabernacle, First Thanksgiving, First Christmas, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Jonah, Crucifixion and Resurrection, Samuel, and David. Students will be able to understand who God is and who students are in His plan; understand the doctrines and begin to differentiate between truth and heresy; understand how Scripture is used in our daily life as a spiritual tool and weapon; understand and recognize how God’s plan of salvation comes through the whole Bible. Our curriculum includes weekly Bible memorization, favorite Christian songs, and preparing students for public speaking and leadership skills.

Math (A Beka) – The curriculum is designed to develop a foundation in math vocabulary and in more in-depth concepts of arithmetic and geometry: addition; subtraction; multiplication; division; place value; shapes and lines; story problems; decimals, fractions; measurements; algebraic equations; and geometric formulas. Students will be able to perform operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals; correctly solve division problems; convert fractions to decimals; convert temperatures, and find perimeter and area.

Reading/Core Lit. (Bob Jones University Press) – Pages in My Head introduces classic literature excerpts, character-building stories, and activities that strengthen reading and critical-thinking skills as well as build research and literary skills. Students study in-depth four reading novels through which they will be able to describe a character, setting, or event in a story, drawing on specific details in the text.

Language Arts (A Beka) – The curriculum is based on the emphasis on the structure of the English Language. Students learn to recognize six parts of the speech and to use proper punctuation and capitalization in their writing communication. Also, students learn how to spell and use spelling words in sentences and how to use penmanship skills in their written communication. Students will be able to understand the importance of precise spoken and written language in the revelation of God and in the communication of humankind.

Science (Purposeful Design) – Students will study units that include layers and components of the physical earth, matter, energy, heat, sound, light, climate, weather, ecosystems, the human body, and stewardship. Students will be able to explain, define, and illustrate the synthesis of the created earth from its matter, energy, and living organisms. They will be able to understand the orderliness, precision, and complexity of God’s created world with wonder, knowledge, and appreciation.

Social Studies (A Beka) – By the end of the school year, 5th-grade students will be able to locate, identify, and organize events, people, places, political systems, and philosophies of the Eastern Hemisphere on a timeline or a map. Also, students will be able to place Old World history in the context of God’s unfolding plan of salvation for all people of all nations.

Field Trips – Students will visit the public library, the Pacific Science Center, Northwest Trek, and the Science and Math Institute of Tacoma to enrich the academic program and build their friendships. Parents are welcome to participate.

Русский язык

Целями изучения предмета «Русский язык» являются:

  • Важность понимания знания русского языка в условиях эмиграции для расширения Славы Божией и Царства Божьего.
  • Сохранить и передать лучшие традиции христианского славянского народа.
  • Сохранить связь между поколениями.
  • Ознакомление учащихся с основными положениями науки о языке и формирование на этой основе знаково- символического восприятия и логического мышления учащихся.
  • Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся: развитие устной и письменной речи, монологической и диалогической речи, а также навыков грамотного, безошибочного письма как показателя общей культуры человека.

Практические задачи для достижения основных целей изучения предмета:

  • Развитие речи, мышления, воображения школьников, умения выбирать средства языка в соответствии с целями, задачами и условиями общения.
  • Формировать у младших школьников первоначальных представлений о системе и структуре русского языка: лексике, фонетике, орфоэпии, морфеме, морфологии и синтаксисе.
  • Продолжать развивать и овладевать навыками в старших классах.
  • Формирование навыков культуры речи во всех ее проявлениях, умений правильно писать и читать, участвовать в диалоге, составлять устные и письменные монологические высказывания и письменные тексты.
  • Воспитание позитивного эмоционально-ценностного отношения к русскому языку, чувства сопричастности к сохранению его уникальности и чистоты; пробуждение познавательного интереса к языку, стремлению совершенствовать русский язык.
Результаты изучения курса


  • Формирование чувства причастности к великому русскому народу, ценному христианскому наследию. Показать влияние достижений русского народа на мировое развитие.
  • Формирование целостного, социального взгляда на мир в его органическом единстве и разнообразии природы, народов, культур.
  • Формирование уважительного отношения к иному мнению, истории и культуре других народов.
  • Принятие и освоение социальной роли обучающегося, развитие мотивов учебной деятельности и формирование личностного смысла, на основе представлений Библейских нравственных норм.
  • Развитие самостоятельности и личной ответственности за свои поступки на основе христианских принципов. Формирование эстетических потребностей, ценностей и чувств. Развитие этических чувств, доброжелательности и эмоционально-нравственной отзывчивости, понимания и сопереживания чувствам других людей. Развитие навыков сотрудничества со взрослыми и сверстниками в различных социальных ситуациях, умения не создавать конфликтов и находить выходы из спорных ситуаций, основываясь на Библейских принципах.
  • Формирование установки на безопасный, здоровый образ жизни, мотивации к творческому труду, к работе на результат, бережному отношению к материальным и духовным ценностям.

Интеграция Библейского мировоззрения

Зачем человек рождается на эту землю? Что Господь ожидает от каждого человека?