Enrollment information for the school year 2025-26 will be posted on the TCA website in the first two weeks of February 2025. Please come back later.
If your child was enrolled anytime before the current school year fill out this form to restore your Alma account -currently closed
Excellent question. First, God made the importance of training children evident as Moses prepared the Children of Israel to enter the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 6:1-9). We are to teach God’s commandments and judgments so that we, our children, and grandchildren will fear the Lord and be blessed.
We are to teach His words diligently–talking of them in our houses, along the way, when we lie down, and when we rise up. Children are in school for at least six and a half hours every day, five days per week. During those hours, if they are not taught from a Bible-centered perspective, they will be taught a humanistic perspective, not based on lasting truth. We are to teach our children God’s way all the time so that they will grow in true wisdom, not only in man’s knowledge.
Finally, one of the main goals of Tacoma Christian Academy is to provide an excellent academic education. Students are taught basic skills such as phonics, spelling, and math accuracy, which are being phased out or weakened in other school systems. Very few local schools offer foreign languages such as Spanish, Japanese, and others, especially not in the lower grades. We offer the Russian language, literature, and culture taught by native speakers, and we seek to preserve Russian Christian standards while teaching our children to live according to the Bible.
So, why choose us? We partner with parents to teach God’s Way, His Word, and a sense of culture grounded in His principles. Is there any other choice for you and your children?
When the enrollment period is open, all returning families are automatically entered in the Continuous Enrollment process.
If you missed the explanation of the “continuous enrollment,” please, READ THIS article first.