
Training in Biblical Worldview


Cultivating Christ-like Character


Achieving Academic Excellence

About Our School

We are a Christian school with small class sizes, devoted teachers, and a unique calling to teach and preserve Slavic Heritage. We emphasize the importance of our Christian faith in all areas of life, believing the words of 2nd Timothy 3:17. “All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness;”

Also, many of our families are first- or second-generation immigrants of Slavic descent and we work hard to honor our culture, language, and way of life. This allows our school to be a unique, bicultural setting, expanding the horizons of Slavic and American students alike.

Through rigorous academics, we encourage students to be problem solvers, capable of critical thinking, who are prepared to persevere through whatever the future holds.

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TCA Bible Verse
“As for you, my son, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind”

1 Chronicles 28:9


Seeking transformation to advance the Kingdom of God.


We will provide a truly Christ-centered education resulting in graduates who are:

-Firm followers of Christ 

-Lifelong learners 

-Humble servants


Within a context of Slavic Christian heritage, TCA partners with families to educate students’ hearts and minds as we–students and staff–seek the glory of God and the service of others.

Graduation Rate
Alumni Satisfaction
Student to faculty ratio

EFL Courses

Future and career planning

What People Say

  • First of all, I appreciate the principal and TCA staff for teaching our kids the God’s way!  This is our second year at TCA and I never once regretted that I signed up my daughter at TCA.

    Victor M.
  • I now see the meaning of honoring Slavic heritage. When I was in school, I wasn’t happy when I was assigned a project interview in a Russian class. But now I appreciate it so much. I learned from the interview with my grandfather how much to love people and church.

    Alex L.
  • We got to know the school through the TCA Annual Auction. Our daughter was in the TCA childcare that night. After the auction she said, “I want to stay in that big school!”, so we came to enroll her for next year.

    Ivan M.
  • I’m thankful to God for this great opportunity, that my kids can attend TCA 🙏 and for ALL Amazing Teachers 🙏 May God Bless You All!

    Olena B.
  • Just wanted to note that the preschool teacher’s communication skills are outstanding! Receiving emails, phone calls from our teacher as well as her weekly progress reports, pictures, and after-school comments-all show how much you all care about our child and our family! Since I am wearing the shoes of a new school parent, I want to say that this extra time you spend communicating with us on a personal level, wins our hearts! May God bless you all!

    Anna S.
  • What I most appreciate about TCA is the dedication to professionalism and improvement, combined with passionate faith and zeal for God’s people. My students and I are uplifted spiritually and professionally / academically through our time here.

    Mrs. Kaity Igari
    Former 4th Grade Teacher
  • I like this school because there are a lot of good teachers, a lot of mercy, a lot of patience, love, and kindness to the students.

    Max F.
  • I’ve been going to this school for six years, and I love it because they teach us about the real truth, Jesus Christ.

    Mariya S.